District Clothing
Jewelry stores
- Main Activity: Women's Clothing
Womens Clothing Kelowna BC
Womens Clothing BC - 942 2271 Harvey Ave V1Y 6H2
V1Y 6H2 - 778 484 0078
- 49.881797
- -119.435855
- Kelowna BC

District Clothing, 942 2271 Harvey Ave V1Y 6H2, GPS - Lat: 49.8817975 Long: -119.4358555, Womens Clothing Kelowna BC - Women's ClothingDistrict Clothing - business info:
A friendly, knowledgeable staff will cater to your very specific needs. We specialize in one on one customer service with your very own personal dress stylist.
Womens clothing catalog - offers
We offer affordable womens boutique wear, gifts of positive affirmations, a line of natural health and wellness products, and an eclectic assortment of self-defense items for women of all ages! The company has various assortments of apparel, accessories, jewelry and special handmade jewelry, handbags, beauty products and handmade napkin rings.
Call us at the phone number: 778 484 0078 or visit our website: or contact us at email:Tips for Buying Womens Clothes
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