
Jewelry stores

  • Main Activity: Women's Clothing
  • Womens Clothing Newmarket ON

    Womens Clothing ON
  • 18170 Yonge St L3Y 4V8
    L3Y 4V8
  • 905 953 8279
  • 44.071480
  • -79.484578
  • Newmarket ON


Reitmans, 18170 Yonge St L3Y 4V8, GPS - Lat: 44.0714807 Long: -79.484578, Womens Clothing Newmarket ON - Women's Clothing

Reitmans - business info:

A specialty retailer for women who value quality, affordable stylish apparel, accessories and exceptional service. There is nothing more rewarding for us than that. This comes from our genuine PASSION for clothing and style.


Womens clothing catalog - offers

We have something for everyone and we also carry plus sizes. This clothing line is available in short-sleeve, long sleeve and tunics. Choose from a variety of styles and designs.



Call us at the phone number: 905 953 8279 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

Womens clothing catalog

Tips for Buying Womens Clothes

Find more from Womens Clothing Newmarket ON

Welcome to Reitmans

Featuring unique fashion for everyday living, work, travel and social occasions, count upon a savvy sales staff with proven expertise to help you make flattering decisions. This is a store that truly has something for everyone, all ages, all sizes.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Reitmans.


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