Cindy Fashion

Jewelry stores

  • Main Activity: Women's Clothing
  • Womens Clothing North York ON

    Womens Clothing ON
  • 74 1700 Wilson Ave M3L 1B2
    M3L 1B2
  • 416 248 7200
  • 43.720231
  • -79.512216
  • North York ON


Cindy Fashion, 74 1700 Wilson Ave M3L 1B2, GPS - Lat: 43.720231 Long: -79.512216, Womens Clothing North York ON - Women's Clothing

Cindy Fashion - business info:

A beautiful store with an array of unique dresses crafted with detailed design and patterns for special occasions. Our womens collection centers around effortless, modern pieces with distinctly feminine details.


Womens clothing catalog - offers

We offer on trend clothing and accessories, with a unique modern and chic feel, bohemian & beachy, casual cool with and edgy twist. In addition, its womens product basket consists of Lee casual pants, Lee petite jeans, plus size jeans, dress tops and New Balance shoes, among others.



Call us at the phone number: 416 248 7200 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

Womens clothing catalog

Tips for Buying Womens Clothes

Find more from Womens Clothing North York ON

Welcome to Cindy Fashion

How you look definitely makes a difference! Distinctive style and chic comfort carry you miles! Stop by to see the latest styles of new arrivals of womens clothing, lingerie, accessories, shoes, luggage, and more every week.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Cindy Fashion.


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