
Jewelry stores

  • Main Activity: Women's Clothing
  • Womens Clothing Sudbury ON

    Womens Clothing ON
  • 1349 Lasalle Boulevard Unit 37A P3A 1Z2
    P3A 1Z2
  • 705 525 4942
  • 46.52061
  • -80.948276
  • Sudbury ON


Bluenotes, 1349 Lasalle Boulevard Unit 37A P3A 1Z2, GPS - Lat: 46.52061 Long: 80.948276, Womens Clothing Sudbury ON - Women's Clothing

Bluenotes - business info:

A Boutique Experience Without The Boutique Prices. Welcome to miss match. At our boutique, we pride ourselves on providing a wonderful experience each time you walk through the door.


Womens clothing catalog - offers

Its stores provide various types of footwear, handbags, tops and bottoms. The company offers a variety of accessories, such as belts, hats, sunglasses, leg wears and gift items, to name a few.



Call us at the phone number: 705 525 4942 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

Womens clothing catalog

Tips for Buying Womens Clothes

Find more from Womens Clothing Sudbury ON

Welcome to Bluenotes

This is a perfect place to go if you are running a local delicate fashion boutique. You are sure to pick something out of here to add to your shopping bag!

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Bluenotes.


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