Urban Planet

Jewelry stores

  • Main Activity: Women's Clothing
  • Womens Clothing Sudbury ON

    Womens Clothing ON
  • 1349 La Salle Boulevard Unit 118 119 P3A 1Z2
    P3A 1Z2
  • 705 560 5046
  • http://urban planet.com
  • 46.519975
  • -80.946243
  • Sudbury ON


Urban Planet, 1349 La Salle Boulevard Unit 118 119 P3A 1Z2, GPS - Lat: 46.519975 Long: 80.946243, Womens Clothing Sudbury ON - Women's Clothing

Urban Planet - business info:

A beautiful store with an array of unique dresses crafted with detailed design and patterns for special occasions. The sales staff can help you find the perfect suit no matter what you are looking for.


Womens clothing catalog - offers

We offer brand name makeup,trendy dresses, pants, skirt, variously hair pieces and more to complete your fabulous looks. If you are looking for unique dresses, tops, hats, handbags, shoes, purses and many many more unique accessories from all over the world.



Call us at the phone number: 705 560 5046 or visit our website: http://urban planet.com or contact us at email:

Womens clothing catalog

Tips for Buying Womens Clothes

Find more from Womens Clothing Sudbury ON

Welcome to Urban Planet

Stop by to see the latest styles of new arrivals of womens clothing, lingerie, accessories, shoes, luggage, and more every week. Women can also find classic looks that never get old.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Urban Planet.


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