Vicki Dee Fashions
Jewelry stores
- Main Activity: Women's Clothing
Womens Clothing Sudbury ON
Womens Clothing ON - 2023 Long Lake Road P3E 4M8
P3E 4M8 - 705 523 2872
- 46.450855
- -81.00465
- Sudbury ON

Vicki Dee Fashions, 2023 Long Lake Road P3E 4M8, GPS - Lat: 46.450855 Long: 81.00465, Womens Clothing Sudbury ON - Women's ClothingVicki Dee Fashions - business info:
A fresh, fashion-forward boutique offering young contemporary shoppers a distinctive style. We love to take the opportunity to tell their stories and support their causes.
Womens clothing catalog - offers
Some of our customers favorite items are our selection of apparel, jewelry and accessories. Through fashion show fundraisers and store events, we like to help the community we call home.
Call us at the phone number: 705 523 2872 or visit our website: or contact us at email:Tips for Buying Womens Clothes
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