
Jewelry stores

  • Main Activity: Women's Clothing
  • Womens Clothing Waterloo ON

    Womens Clothing ON
  • 550 King Street N N2L 5W6
    N2L 5W6
  • 519 886 5460
  • http://fairweatherclothing.com
  • 43.498104
  • -80.529718
  • Waterloo ON


Fairweather, 550 King Street N N2L 5W6, GPS - Lat: 43.498104 Long: 80.529718, Womens Clothing Waterloo ON - Women's Clothing

Fairweather - business info:

This is an adorable boutique known for its endearing dresses, charming accessories and neat apparel options. At our boutique, we pride ourselves on providing a wonderful experience each time you walk through the door.


Womens clothing catalog - offers

We cater to a woman or girl who wants fashionable, quality apparel and swimwear at a moderate, reasonable price. In addition, it provides an array of accessories, such as handbags, belts, scarves, earrings, necklaces and bracelets.



Call us at the phone number: 519 886 5460 or visit our website: http://fairweatherclothing.com or contact us at email:

Womens clothing catalog

Tips for Buying Womens Clothes

Find more from Womens Clothing Waterloo ON

Welcome to Fairweather

We believe in simplicity, consistency and building a uniform with the pieces you can wear again and again, season after season. Visit the store to update your look to a chic, smart-casual one.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Fairweather.


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